Haematology Clinic

Medical and surgical repertoire:
▶▶ Acute leukaemia
▶▶ Chronic myeloid leukaemia
▶▶ Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
▶▶ Lymphoma
▶▶ Multiple myeloma
▶▶ Myelodysplastic syndrome
▶▶ Diseases of thrombocytes (platelets)
▶▶ In the stem cell transplantation unit within the Haematology clinic, patients suffering from multiple myeloma, refractory lymphoma and acute leukaemia can be provided with stem cell transplantations
▶▶ In addition, in the therapeutic apheresis unit, through the methods of plasma filtration, plasmapheresis, double-filtration, cascade filtration and immunoadsorption practises are performed.