Labor and Delivery Room


Since June 2010, our hospital has been providing service with a Gynecologist, Auxiliary Health Personnel, IT Personnel and Cleaning Personnel. All of our employees have received breast milk and breastfeeding training and NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) training through courses implemented in different periods. We have USG and NST devices as technical equipment. Our delivery room has a trauma room, patient bed, postpartum room, postpartum bed, delivery room, gynecology examination table, cesarean section table in the operating room. There are single and double rooms in the 20-bed ward of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic. Two rooms are designed for disabled patients.

Service Areas:
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Gynecological diseases
- Units and units
- Polyclinics
- Delivery room
- Sleeper service
- Operating Room

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