What is Cupping Therapy?
A well-established treatment method based on creating a regional vacuum to increase blood circulation and promote healing is called cupping therapy. Wet cupping therapy, in which dirty blood is removed from blockages, capillaries and thin veins at certain points where waste materials are concentrated in order to get rid of the disease or to maintain health, is also known as cupping. Its main mechanism is based on increasing blood flow. By providing more blood flow compared to manual massage, the nutrition of the cells increases and carbon dioxide is excreted.
Some of the conditions where Cupping Therapy can be applied are as follows:
Back pain, myositis
Tendinopathy, sports injuries
Ischialgia, lumbalgia, brachialgia
Disc pathologies
Stress headache, migraine
Jaw arthropathy, bruxism
Sudeck atrophy
Post-Zoster neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia
Asthma, bronchitis
Sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis
Hyperkinetic heart disease
GI problems; nausea, vomiting, constipation
In circulatory system disordersSırt ağrısı, miyozit