The rules for the provision of health services by our Ministry using information technologies without being dependent on space and geography were determined by the Regulation on the Provision of Remote Health Services published in the Official Gazette on 10.02.2022.
In order to fulfill the requirements of remote health service with the new regulation, we have completed our planning for the infrastructure and technical hardware facilities necessary for our physicians and other health personnel to connect to the remote health information system, the secure “remote health information system” software that allows written, audio or video communication produced or registered and approved for use by our Ministry, the place to provide service and the Expert Personnel in the field, and we started service provision by obtaining our Remote Health Service Activity Permission Certificate on 25.08.2023.

Services offered with Remote Healthcare Service at our hospital
* The person requesting telehealth services is examined to the extent that the service allows
* Conducting medical observation, monitoring, follow-up and evaluation of the person, controlling diagnosed diseases and providing medical counseling to the person
* Suggesting the person to physically apply to a health institution when necessary
* Assessment of laboratory and clinical parameters, treatment and medication recommendation for remote management and monitoring of diseases
* Supporting preventive health care, promoting healthy living
* Providing psychosocial support services
* Control and counseling services for our patients receiving Home Health Services
* Follow-up in our healthy aging center
* Multidimensional assessment and follow-up of chronically ill or elderly people
Departments offered with Remote Health Service in our hospital
* Life
* Neurology
* Psychiatry
* Health Board
* Internal Medicine
* Home Health Unit
* Healthy Child Polyclinic
* Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Personal data obtained during the provision of remote health services will not be processed in any way other than the relevant legislation and will not be transferred to another organization.
In addition, our Hospital also provides distance health services within the scope of international health tourism and tourist health within the framework of the relevant legislation.