Batıkent Neighborhood Polyclinic Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic service is provided between 08:30-16:30. Our patients have the right to choose a physician in polyclinic services.
In our clinic, the examination and emergency treatment of patients are completed on the same day and appointments are scheduled for later treatments.

Procedures performed in our clinic;
-Restorative Dental Treatment
-Teeth extraction
-Treatment of alveolitis after extraction
-Dental calculus cleaning
-Polishing process
-RVG (Dental X-ray)
-Cementation of fallen crown and bridge
-Milk tooth extraction
Detertraj procedure (Scaling)
Detertraj is the process of breaking down the dental calculus that accumulates in the mouth over time by giving micro vibrations through ultrasonic tools.
Approximately 12 hours after brushing the teeth, plaque forms on the tooth surface in the form of a film layer. If brushing is not performed, calculus is formed when the minerals in saliva precipitate on this plaque layer and bacteria adhere to it. To prevent this, teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day.
Tartar accumulation causes gingival infections and even melting of the alveolar bone surrounding the tooth over time. For this reason, regular dental check-ups should be performed every 6 months.
If the dentist deems it necessary, scaling should be performed.